Horizon Zero Dawn Sequel Wish List

So recently, I finished the Horizon Zero Dawn DLC – the Frozen Wilds, and it got me thinking about what the sequel would be like again. I think there’s zero doubt that Guerilla Games is working hard on it (Horizon One Dawn? Horizon Zero Dawn Two? Horizon Two?), but there’s not much we know about…

Monthly Wrap-Up: February

Hello everyone, I hope February has treated you well! My February was a disaster. I don’t think it might actually be the worse month in my life. Things started well enough with preparations for the Lunar New Year going swimmingly. And then disaster one happened. I had a massive cramp while jogging. The cramp itself…

Ten Games I Want to Beat in 2019

I’ve decided that 2019 is the year I start to make a dent in the backlog. Last year was pretty bad. I bought a ton of games and finished less than 50% of them. This year is all about buy fewer new games, and completing already owned games. Honestly, it’s mostly because I want to…

Monthly Wrap-Up: January

Hello one and all. I can’t believe January is already over! It was an excellent month for me. My 27th birthday was last month, which was a little bit more upbeat than the last few years’ were. Spent plenty of quality time with the family. And I got started in some of the goals I…

Birthday Post

It’s January and my birthday is right around the corner. I’m turning 27, which means I’m crossing the threshold between mid-twenties to late-twenties. Not a comforting thought. There’s also the 27 club, but I’m neither a rock musician nor remotely famous, so I think I’m in the clear here. *fingers-crossed* Whenever my birthday comes around,…

Monthly Wrap-Up: December

Hi one and all, and Happy New Year! 2018 has come and gone, and it has been a mixed year for me. It felt like a stagnant year. It doesn’t feel that much different from 2017, which was a huge difference from 2016. I graduated in 2017, started working full time, and started working part…

Monthly Wrap-Up: November

December is here! It’s Christmas time! Yay! November has been a mix bag for me. The first half was amazing. I got to spend some great time playing Red Dead Redemption 2 while making great progress on NaNoWriMo. However, the latter half of the month sucked. Faced with a fried graphic card, a disrupted internet…

NaNoWriMo 2018

NaNoWriMo is here! And it’s proceeding a little better than I expected, as in I’ve been able to hit the word goals daily. That said it has taken more time than usual for me to hit those goals. Most of that comes from lack of a clear plot, and the rest comes from fat-finger typos…

Monthly Wrap-Up: October

November is here. It’s the penultimate month of the year, and the month of NaNoWriMo. Stress is in the air. October was an excellent month. I managed to complete a big project at work and deployed it without any issues. Many hours were spent playing games. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey alone consumed about 70 hours. Many…

r/Fantasy Bingo Challenge 2018 Progress Review

We’re just over six months into the r/Fantasy Book Bingo Challenge 2018 and I thought it would be fun to do a midterm review/assessment of my progress thus far. It’s not going to be a pretty picture, that’s for sure, but I also plan to outline my plans going forward. Specifically, the books I would…

Monthly Wrap-Up: September

Hi everyone, September has come to an end and the last quarter of the year is here! That means Christmas is just over 12 weeks away. CHRISTMAS! Okay, maybe it’s a little bit too early to be excited for Christmas. Let’s look forward to Halloween instead, which is not a big thing where I’m from.…

Monthly Wrap-Up: July/August

Hello everyone! I’m back! Between work and vacation, July and August flew by like a blur for me. I’ve spent a ton of time with my Switch. I’m absolutely in love with it. Though I somehow managed to crack the screen. My iPad flopped over on top of it. It wasn’t even a huge fall.…