Ten Books I Picked Up On a Whim

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by the folks at the Broke and the Bookish. Each week has a different theme where participants try to come up with ten things to fit the theme.

This week’s topic is Ten Books I Picked Up On a Whim.

Wheel of Time 1 and 2

Eye of the World and the Great Hunt (Wheel of Time #1, #2)

To think that the books that set me down the path of epic fantasy land were picked out at a whim from a charity sale for RM2 each. Well, the Lord of Rings and Harry Potter played some part in it too. Anyway, I picked them out because they were huge and I thought they were worth the price. Well worth it. I never even got to reading it until a few years later.


The Grand Design (Tyrants and King #2)

A story about a regent who manipulates his enemies and plans to destroy them. I think the main character was the prince called the Jackal of Nar, but all I remember is the villain, the regent, who is a eunuch called Biagio. He’s basically a more ruthless version of Varys from ASOIAF. Picked it out on a charity sale too. Also because of its huge size. Oh, silly, young me. I bought the first book later on but have yet to read it.

Books of Elita

Black Eagle Rising and Rebel’s Cage (The Books of Elita #3, #4)

I’m almost a hundred percent sure that I got this two books in the same sale as the previous one. For the same reason too. The books are about a group of mages fighting a rebellion against another powerful mage. Yeah, honestly I don’t remember much about the book, but I remember liking it. Maybe it’s time to pay them another visit and actually read the rest of the series.



Hound is a retelling of the Ulster Cycle, a series of Irish myths. The books focuses on the story of Setanta, later known as Cuchullain (Culann’s hound), through the eyes of Leary, his friend and charioteer. It’s similar in tone to the Empire of Ashes, which is a retelling of Alexander the Great’s story. I liked it a lot. Can’t remember why I picked it up.

A Bunch of Tor Books

Ah, the great Tor-ring of 2013. More of an event than a book, but I went to a second hand book fair fresh off a Memory of Light (Wheel of Time #14) and Mistborn. I didn’t have anything in mind when I went to the fair, so I decided to read the blurb of every Tor Book I saw, and I bought a few of them. Rhapsody, Prophecy, Wayfarer Redemption just to name a few.


Throne of Glass

I got this one because of the cover. Badass female with white hair? Reminded me of Ciri from the Witcher. And I love Ciri. Throne of Glass is about a female assassin given the chance to win her freedom by becoming the Crown Prince’s champion in a tournament to decide the next royal assassin. I’ve already bought the sequels, now I just need to find time to read them. So, success I guess?


A Thousand Pieces of You

Another one for the cover. I’ve yet to read it. It’s a story about a girl whose parents created a dimension hopping device known as the Firebird. Her father is killed and the killer hops into another dimension to escape. She chases him across the dimensions.


The Promise of Blood (Powder Mage #1)

Another one for the cover. Guy reminds me of Pierce Brosnan. I think he’s actually his stunt double or something. And the tag line. ‘The Age of Kings is dead… and I have killed it.’ Send chills down my spine. Also, the author is one of Brandon Sanderson’s students.

Promise of Blood is about a private eye’s investigation on the dying words of the Royal Cabal, a field marshal who enacted a coup and must now fight to keep the peace and his son who struggles with addiction and is assigned to hunt down survivals of the coup. I loved the book. Planning to read the sequels soonish.


Once Walked with Gods (Elves #1)

Another one for the cover. Has a very Lord of the Rings Elvish look to it. I thought it was a standalone. Turns out it’s a series. And worst. It’s a prequel to a previous series. I still know nothing about what the book is about, besides the fact that the Elves are in a decline. And that they are maybe trying to stop their end?



Saw this book in a few booktuber’s TBR during the month of its release. Cover was nice. It’s a new series and I was looking for some YA fantasy at the time. So I bought it. Still haven’t read it yet. Soon. I feel like I say this a lot.


Cinder (Lunar Chronicles #1)

I was sold on the book the moment I learned that it was a retelling of Cinderella, but she was a cyborg. Check out my review here.

That’s ten books I picked up on a whim. What’s yours? Let me know in the comments down below.

36 thoughts on “Ten Books I Picked Up On a Whim

  1. Haha Some of these I’ve never heard of but the others like Throne of Glass, Cinder, Truthwitch are all great reads for me! I also have A Thousand Pieces of You on my shelf with the beautiful cover waiting to be read! Here’s to hoping we both love it 🙂 My Top Ten

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello fellow Malaysian! *waves* 😀
    I have A Thousand Pieces of You in my TBR too, which I totally picked because of the cover. I have yet to read that and will probably wait until the third book is out in November to read all three books together.

    Liked by 1 person

    • *waves back* 😀
      I think I’ll be doing that too. I hate to have the second book end in a cliffhanger and have that so near yet so far feeling for the third one. Haha.


  3. If you liked Throne of Glass then you’ll love the next books! They do get better with each book, although some characters get left behind with no reason and it’s kind of confusing 🙂 I love buying books on a whim!

    Liked by 1 person

      • I have read the first two books, I have Heir of Fire and Queen of Shadows on my night stand waiting for me to read! OMG!!! You haven’t read ACOTAR yet?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? You seriously need to hurry up and get to that… it is a lot of world building, but so worth it for the second book… I am still swooning!! I just stare at the book all day! 😀 Can’t wait for you to read them 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I really enjoyed “Cinder” but struggled through the second book in the series. Hoping that “Cress” will add a little more umph back into the series for me.

    I’ve had “Throne of Glass” sitting on my shelf now for a while, but haven’t gotten started on it. The rave reviews put my hopes up pretty high! Hopefully will be giving it a looksee soon.

    My TTT

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    • I feel that Cress is the best one in the series, but I liked Scarlet too, so your mileage may vary. If it’s Scarlet and Wolf that you have a problem with, then Cress should be okay. They don’t appear that much in it.
      Definitely give it a looksee soon. Haha. Hope it doesn’t disappoint..


  5. oooh SO MUCH FANTASY. I am flailing!! 😂 I am actually on a look out for some new delicious fantasy reads (I mean, my TBR is huge, but pfft…it wants to keep growing) and I’ve actually been a bit disappointed by YA fantasy this year. Gah. Truthwitch lacked world building imo. 😂 BUT AHHH CINDER IS BRILLIANT RIGHT?!?!? LOVE CINDER.

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    • I mainly read fantasy, with a smattering of other genres on the side. I think I tend to be open to books I know nothing about if they’re fantasy. Definitely add Promise of Blood to your list. It’s a finished trilogy, so you know you’re getting an ending, unlike most adult fantasy series. Haha.

      Oh, that’s disappointing about Truthwitch. I love my world building. Cinder is definitely BRILLIANT.


  6. Throne of Glass and Cinder are superb examples of awesome YA fiction. It’s nice to see them on a list with high fantasy, too! Great list. I haven’t read A Thousand Pieces of you, but I do have it! I’ll have to move it up the stack. 📖

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  7. Ahh yes Throne of Glass! I personally liked Heir of Fire the best out of all the books that are out now. I’ll be honest, I haven’t actually read many of these books but I’ll have to check them out.. soon!

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  8. I picked up Cinder on a whim as well! The cover was just so intriguing. And I really enjoyed Throne of Glass as well. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous choices! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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