Recent TBR Additions aka the Mountain Keeps Getting Higher

ttt-recent-tbrTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created by the folks at the Broke and the Bookish. Each week has a different theme where participants try to come up with ten things to fit the theme.

This week is Ten Books I’ve Added to My To-Be-Read List Lately. I don’t update my GoodReads to-read shelf that often, but I’m using it to make this list, so there might be some in the list that’s actually been on my TBR for a while, but it just made its way to the to-read shelf recently.


The Dragonbone Chair

The Dragonbone Chair is the first book of Tad William’s Memory, Thorn and Sorrow trilogy. It’s the story of a man named Simon who gets caught up in an epic adventure. I’ve seen high praises for the series from the fantasy subreddit, so I’m interested in checking it out.



Dragonflight is the first book of Ann McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern. It’s often been called one of the most inspirational work of fantasy fiction. Authors like Christopher Paolini and Brandon Sanderson have often called it so. I’m really interested in reading it.



This Savage Song

I really loved Vicious and Victoria Schwab’s writing so I added this to my to-read shelf after finishing Vicious.


A Darker Shade of Magic

Same thing with This Savage Song. Though I’m actually going to tackle this one first.

Untitled (Throne of Glass #6)

I finished this recently and really loved it, so I added this to my to-read shelf right after I was done. No cover yet, but I hope it’s better than Empire of Storms one.


Sword of Fire and Sea

I’m not certain where I saw this book from. I think it might be from a blog, but I’m not 100% sure which one. Anyway, I was instantly drawn in by the cover. The colors, the font, plus griffins are always a good thing. It doesn’t have the best review score on GoodReads, so I’m wondering if I would actually read it, that is if I can actually get a copy of it.


The Garden of Evening Mist

This one is an award winning novel by Malaysian author Tan Twan Eng. It’s set in Malaysia just before the Japanese occupation in World War II and after. It’s not usually the kind of book I read, but I really want to read more Malaysian authors.


The Lost Knight

This is another book I added to the to-read shelf because of the cover. Plus the ratings look great, even though there’s only 24 so far.



I added this to my to-read shelf to remember to read this book, since it keeps slipping my mind somehow. I really loved the original three Abhorsen books, and I’ve yet to read Clariel, but I’m looking forward to reading this eventually.


Heroes Die

The Acts of Caine series has been on my radar for a long time but I finally added it to my TBR after finding out that the series has some elements of virtual reality where the hero is from Earth and parts of the book takes place in an alternate reality ala Ready Player One.

Those are ten books I’ve recently added to my ever growing mountain of a TBR. *sigh* Money and time is becoming more and more of a valuable commodity. So many books to read, so little time and money to read them all. Anyway, have you read any of the books listed above? Let me know your thoughts on them if you have.

28 thoughts on “Recent TBR Additions aka the Mountain Keeps Getting Higher

  1. Oh, the cover for The Lost Knight does look gorgeous! I’m adding it to my TBR already for that (but the synopsis also sounds interesting 😉 ) And I also read one V.E. Schwab book (A Darker Shade of Magic) and have put all her other books on my TBR 🙂

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  2. I was recommended dragonflighy many, many years ago and I still haven’t gotten around to it *sigh*. VE Schwab is also on my TBR, but the Garden of Evening Mist really caught my eye. I wish I discovered that when I was still doing it for history at school so I could count it as “studying” LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anne McCaffrey has been on my radar for a while as well! It has dragons – that’s enough to give it a try 😉
    I tried reading the Tad Williams book as well ages ago. But man, did I hate Simon. The only things he seemed to be capable of were whining and being in the way. I couldn’t finish it 😀 Just not for me.

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    • Not sure what you mean by the layout but I’m glad you like it 🙂 Will definitely be sure to read ADSOM! The Abhorsen books are great! Sabriel is a self contained story, so if you feel like you don’t like the writing, you don’t have to continue the series.

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